Fired from the top-down, inspired from the bottom-up.
Person One: I got fired, laid-off, made redundant. I make vlog detailing it. Simple and personal. Five views already! Empowerment!? Democracy!?

Person Two: I got fired, laid-off, made redundant. With the help of an expert, I made a "digital story" detailing it. Simple and personal. Five views already! Empowerment!? Democracy!?

Person Three: What's the difference in substance...presentation...effect...authenticity? Isolation...disarticulation? Who is watching and why not create some cohesion?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tweeting my digital story of jobloss

  1. Ewrsgd_normalJohnCena4ever11 @CENARULES4EVER Well, i got fired and school troubles =( but ur always cheering me up handsome =) ♥
  1. Mee_normalG4MzLuckyStaRR Packin my apt up cuz I can't stand it here plus I got fired today for idiotic reasons so I gotta move
  1. Senior_pic_normalTayMama13 @JazzyBuford I been doing okay got firedyesterday but im hanging in there...wbu?
  1. Default_profile_2_normallove2cook1349 @TeamCoco Help Conan, I need wheels. Mycar died 8 months ago. I haven't been able to replace it as myhusband lost his job 6 months ago.
  1. Image_normalBeeArtice @PrettyFaceJessy huh?!?!? Info on the move please. I might be...For good. I lost my job here.If I don't find anything,I'll be home soon.

1 comment:

  1. What does this mean when represented and reframed and faked?
