Fired from the top-down, inspired from the bottom-up.
Person One: I got fired, laid-off, made redundant. I make vlog detailing it. Simple and personal. Five views already! Empowerment!? Democracy!?

Person Two: I got fired, laid-off, made redundant. With the help of an expert, I made a "digital story" detailing it. Simple and personal. Five views already! Empowerment!? Democracy!?

Person Three: What's the difference in substance...presentation...effect...authenticity? Isolation...disarticulation? Who is watching and why not create some cohesion?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A faux graduate student conversation

(no subject)

Between Kendra Osburn and You
Josh Gradstudent December 7 at 9:54pm
So hey, I have been researching these expert guided “Digital Stories” all day and I wanted to see what you thought of them! I know they are a little on the strange side, but I find them interesting in that they empower their users to tell their unemployment stories. Way to circumvent the mainstream media!
Here’s a link to one:
Megan Masters December 7 at 10:03pm Report
Super interesting! But I feel so bad for this poor man :(!!!!

Why did they post on this site and not on YouTube??? Aren’t they sort of the same thing? I like that people get to tell such intimate stories, but can’t help but wonder (the inner communications nerd/psychologist in me comes out here) if they really help or hurt the creators.... or if they have any real effect at all!???
Josh Gradstudent December 7 at 10:04pm
I know totally what you are saying. I suppose the stories, in a way, help people in that they create catharsis…but I can’t help but thinking there is a bit of dominant media/expert oriented exploitation going on here. Also, I feel like digital stories like the one I showed you are a bit too isolated to serve a true role in creating actual change (political or social or what not sure) in the job market or even for the people who make them. Sorry to drop that bomb, just thinking out my ideas on here!! I know its confusing!! As far as the Youtube thing goes- not sure, they are similar to the huge (!!!) amount of videos like this on youtube. Man, at some point I feel like these VLOGS are a bit redundant and self-exploiting!
Megan Masters December 7 at 10:05pm Report
I feel like that too!! Youtube is full of such personal videos (...and some nasty comments too).
It’s strange that experts guide the people making digital stories?? I guess it helps people to learn about computers and speak about life…but I wonder what the motives of such “experts” are???

Also, is there any real difference in presentation/effect between the videos on Youtube and the expert led stories?? I feel like the digital stories are too isolated and (like you said) the Youtube stories are a bit self exploiting. I feel like there needs to be some cohesion... what do you think?
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1 comment:

  1. Aljean Grad Prof: and experts guide you, too. Exploitation? Self-expression? AuthenticityZ?
