Fired from the top-down, inspired from the bottom-up.
Person One: I got fired, laid-off, made redundant. I make vlog detailing it. Simple and personal. Five views already! Empowerment!? Democracy!?

Person Two: I got fired, laid-off, made redundant. With the help of an expert, I made a "digital story" detailing it. Simple and personal. Five views already! Empowerment!? Democracy!?

Person Three: What's the difference in substance...presentation...effect...authenticity? Isolation...disarticulation? Who is watching and why not create some cohesion?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Digital Story One: photo montage, self-confidence, hope

Find it Here:


"In the summer of 2002, I faced the fact that after working for forty years since leaving school, I would be signing on the dole for the first time. A couple of days after returning from holidays, I went to the steelworks, A.S.W. to convince myself it was closed. After working there as a railway shunter, then a train driver for nearly thirty three years and missing only one day in the first thirty one - Where did it get me? A small payout and no pension.

I visited job employment services and the unemployment office, and on both occasions I was in a daze at what they were saying. I am still on the lookout for a job that will suit me.

It took me until Christmas to get over the shock, but since then I have started to enjoy myself a lot more. My two dogs keep me out and about. My main hobby is local history and every week I attend a history society meeting, which I could not have done if I was still working shifts.

Over the years I have transformed my garden from a forest into a vegetable patch. Due to working extra shifts, I was unable to keep it tidy. A friend of mine then turned it into a patio garden.

The thing I miss most is my annual holidays abroad, after seeing over thirty different countries with so many memories.

After what happened in 2002, my main worry about looking for a job is self-confidence."

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