Fired from the top-down, inspired from the bottom-up.
Person One: I got fired, laid-off, made redundant. I make vlog detailing it. Simple and personal. Five views already! Empowerment!? Democracy!?

Person Two: I got fired, laid-off, made redundant. With the help of an expert, I made a "digital story" detailing it. Simple and personal. Five views already! Empowerment!? Democracy!?

Person Three: What's the difference in substance...presentation...effect...authenticity? Isolation...disarticulation? Who is watching and why not create some cohesion?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A thought part two

Person two: Wow, my friend told me that my vlog on my journey after job loss, and all the other ones out there, really lack in the departments of expertise and scalability. Not sure what scalability means...but I don't like the sound of it. Feel disenchanted.

1 comment:

  1. Ask the grad student writing your voice what scalability is. His expert knowledge, framing, and guidance might really help here!
