Fired from the top-down, inspired from the bottom-up.
Person One: I got fired, laid-off, made redundant. I make vlog detailing it. Simple and personal. Five views already! Empowerment!? Democracy!?

Person Two: I got fired, laid-off, made redundant. With the help of an expert, I made a "digital story" detailing it. Simple and personal. Five views already! Empowerment!? Democracy!?

Person Three: What's the difference in substance...presentation...effect...authenticity? Isolation...disarticulation? Who is watching and why not create some cohesion?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Joblessness and digital stories enter the mainstream

Storyteller: Hmmm, maybe this could be a way to combat the isolation of digital stories? These interviews read an awful lot like how I felt when I was laid off. Those these are from the deleted scenes of the movie, real scenes like this appeared. Here They are for everyone to see on Youtube. Scenes featuring real people who were fired getting acting out their firings or telling their stories in a blockbusting academy award winning film. Poignant.

1 comment:

  1. But these are the most modified by experts! Hollywood storytelling and style allow them to move from isolation
